

May 29 2021


18-Sep-00 -- Introducing Moose! --

We've adopted a 3-year-old Chocolate Lab named Moose. What's that? You want to see pictures?! Well, alright... Pictures of Moose and More. Oh. The Fireworks pictures are up as well.

  1. Shut down your Mac, then unplug all nonessential devices from your Mac. If you're repairing an external drive, make sure that it's connected directly to your Mac using a cable that you know is good. Then turn the drive off and back on. If your disk still doesn't appear in Disk Utility, your Mac might need service.
  2. Podcast 324: Talking apps, APIs, and open source with developers from Slack. Featured on Meta Stack Overflow for Teams is now free for up to 50 users, forever. Planned maintenance scheduled for Saturday, March 27, 2021 at 1:00 UTC Linked. How to reset the built-in Dictionary app for Look Up function?

1-Aug-00 -- Back from Vacation --

Select the disk or partition you want to install on, and erase it, ensuring to use either Mac OS Extended (Journaled), or APFS as the filesystem type. If formatting an entire drive, ensure GUID is selected. Important Note: Using APFS is REQUIRED in Mojave in order to receive system updates via the normal Software Update method. Mac OS အတွက် keymagic ထည့်ပုံ ထည့်နည်းကို တဆင့်ခြင်း ရေးပေးထားပါတယ်။ Mac OS version နဲ့ keymagic version ပေါ် မူတည်ပြီး နည်းနည်းတော့ ကွဲတာတွေ ရှိနိုင်ပါတယ်။ အရင်ဆုံး keymagic ကို.

We're back form vaction. (I took the month of July off) and there are pictures from Europe and Austin, TX. There will soon also be pictures from the Pyro show at Shoreline, but I haven't gotten them transferred to the server yet.

16-Apr-00 -- Surprise visit! --

Our Friend Robert 'Beau' Taylor showed up for a visit. Check out Pictures! Beau and his wife Nicole live out in Virginia, but he drove up on a Motorcycle...

30-Mar-00 -- Nothing much --

Just wanted to let you, the faithful, know that I was thinking about you. :-) I've been taking pictures with the D400, but they are mostly just sitting on my Mac at home. I've even got a bunch of the bears that Shawn has made. They'll be available for viewing in Shawn's directory. BTW- There may be another annoucement regarding this eventually...

28-Feb-00 -- Whew. I gotta pay attention --

In case you hadn't noticed (which you probably haven't base ont he number of hits I get), the WebCam is once again off line. The software that I've been using has a memory leak and it kills itself (and the Mac it's running on) with great regularity.

On the House front: Yes, we got the house and we moved in near the end of October. Now that we've been there long enough to completely unpack and have managed to rearrange the garage a few times. (Those of you who know Shawn will smile about that.)

We're having a House Warming party on 12-March, so if you're in town, drop me a message.

Mac OS X is coming soon. If you don't know anything about it, it's the new OS for the Mac that's actually UNIX based. For a really good overview/review that's somewhat technical, but worht the read check out Ars Technica's review by John Siracusa.

One more thing... Should I archive the mass of text below or just wipe it out? Do people come here to read this ort just to get to the pictures?

13-Sep-99 -- The return of the WebCam --

The WebCam is back on line. It took a little soldering and it's not as clear as it was, but it's up!

On the house front. We're currently in escrow. It's scheduled to end 8-Oct. There's a few minor things to be done (wall paper that has to go, painting, fix illegal wiring, etc.) but we hope to be there in time for the boys to go trick or treating. :-)

31-Aug-99 -- The House --

It looks like we may be moving soon... We just put an offer in on a house! We're still figuring it all out, but it's looking good. Here are some pictures

2-Aug-99 -- The Vacation --

Just got back from a 'vacation' on the Russian River. The cool part of this is that our trusty Nikon camera died just before we were going, so I had an excuse to go out and buy a digital camera. I bought an Olympus D-400 at CostCo for $549. I kinda wanted the Nikon CoolPix 700, but the Olympus was available and the CoolPix wasn't (I had to do it on a Sunday...)

Anyway, the vacation was pretty much hellish because one after another of us got sick ('Summer Stomach bug' was what the doctor called it) and I had to drive back into work for a couple of days in the middle.

Anyway, here are some pictures of the happier moments. Enjoy!

22-mar-99 -- The Deep Field! --

Weredude mac os catalina

Wow. I just saw the coolest new band on Saturday night at a Bay Area Action fundraiser. They're called The Deepfield. They are Insanely Great!tm To tickle your ears, here's an MPEG3 of them covering a song by the Church from their HeyDay import album -- Myrrh! (More coming)

The set list for Saturday night (all are orignal tunes except Myrrh):

  • Disconnected
  • Siren
  • Dressing Grey
  • Bluetime
  • The Pleasure Garden
  • Away
  • Just for a Day
  • De Cherico
  • Break
  • Myrrh

They are in the studio now recording their first CD.

1-Mar-99 -- Welcome!! --

I hope that you enjoy my site. As you can see from the messages below, I don't update this page very often. That doesn't mean that I don't care, just that I'm so busy living life. ;-)

If you're looking for pictures, check out some of the embedded links below or click on the 'About the MacDude' icon above. I'll post more soon (probably from Christmas.)

24-Dec-98 -- Merry Christmas! --

As you might image, things have been pretty busy. Now Christmas is here and the weather has finally turned a bit colder. I've posted some Christmas Photos for people to look at. Enjoy and have a peaceful new year. (Watch out for that Y99 bug!)

12-Aug-98 -- Moving right along --

Wheew! There's something sooo sweet about being on an airplane surronded by people using Windows Laptops and then pulling out my G3. The screen is massive and clear and the looks of disgust/envy/hope is nice.

I'll be traveling more with it and now I have my CoolPad to take with me.

30-Jul-98 -- It's very nice --

I've named my new G3 'Schwing' because it's such a joy to use. I have no dead or stuck pixels and I have had no crashes running anything (including Win98 via Virtual PC).

On the other hand, I haven't been able to get WinBench to run all the way through the tests, so I don't know how fast it is. It *seems* fast, but it's hard to tell.

My office at work is moving, so you may not have any good images on the WebCam for a while... Also, I'll be heading to New Hampshire for most of next week.

23-Jul-98 -- It's here!--

I got my new G3 PowerBook! I ended up getting the 14.1' 292MHz bundle because I didn't want to wait for the custom order 13.3' 292MHz through the Apple Store. Right now I'm, loading it up and I hope to have it fully fuinctional by the beginning of next week. (I'm going campiong this weekend, so I'll be off tomorrow.)

I'm going to load Connectix's Virtual PC on it and then do som WinBench testing to see how fast it is... :-) I'll post the results here when I get them.

14-Jul-98 -- Two Days in a row. --

I wanted to tell you about the WebCam I set up. It's really just a way to let my wife and co-workers know if I'm in my cube. (It looks like I need to do some work in Shawn's area...)

13-Jul-98 -- More already? --

Well, it's Monday and I've made good on my promise to update the pictures of my family. It looks like I'm also getting my wish regarding no one reading this page because I haven't gotten any feedback. Perhaps it's too soon to tell, or maybe it's because you don't have an embedded link... Well you're not gonna get one; you'll just have to scroll to mthe bottom of the page and click on the one there. ;-)

So what do you think of the graphics on the page? Do you like the MacDude logo? (Yeah, I know. It's a rip off of the MacOS logo, but I think the animation is cool.) Or perhaps you'd like to see less (or more) motions and interactivity? I've been futzing around with some simple JavaScripts, but nothing that *needs* to be implemented.

I'll be travelling on business to Austin the 16-21. I'm taking my family so that they can enjoy the heat. Austin is a nice place, but I don't think that I can leave Palo Alto just yet. The Silicon Valley has too much too offer right now.

Quick plug- MacInk is a great new site that is run by Mark Crosten at the SJMercury. It's very refreshing and interesting to read. Keep up the goo work Mark!

7-Jul-98 -- Hey, this is new! --

I've decided that I need to let people know more about what is happening. I'm hoping that no one will read this stuff, but then you can't have everything.

I'm going to buy a new Mac. I've decided that even though they are no longer going to be supported at Cisco Systems, Inc. as of August, 1998, I *need* to have one of the new G3 PowerBooks (Codename: Wall Street)

Having said that, I also want to get it down on virtual paper that I promise to update the pictures of my family before the end of July. Rory completes his firt year on July 19 and the most recent picture that I have of him is from August of last year. :-(

Keep the faith!

Mac OS 9 for Windows

Run classic Mac OS apps in Windows A similar app that runs System 7 How to use MacOS9 What the MacOS9 app contains Acknowledgments Support

An easy way to run 'classic' Mac OS applications under Windows

Under Windows, software written for the 'classic' Mac OS (i.e. versions 6 through 9) can only be run through software that emulates Macintosh hardware from 1980s and 1990s. The most advanced of these emulator programs is SheepShaver. SheepShaver is no longer supported by its original author, Gwenolé Beauchesne, but minor updates are available from an active support forum at E-Maculation.

This page provides a fully functional SheepShaver system that runs Mac OS 9.0.4 (US English version). Unlike other SheepShaver-based systems, it makes it relatively easy to exchange files between SheepShaver and Windows, and makes it easy to print from Mac OS applications to Windows printers, or to create PDF files on the Windows desktop. The system runs under Windows 7, 8.x and 10; it may work under earlier Windows versions, but I haven't tested it under earlier versions.

To install this system, download and run the MacOS9AppInstaller. (The file is around 400MB in size; it contains a 4GB hard disk image file.) Then launch the MacOS9.exe application, either from its folder or from the desktop shortcut that the installer offers to create.

Note: Updated 10 February 2021 with a new version of SheepShaver.

The program comes with an uninstaller. Every file installed or used by the program is inside the program's folder. After uninstalling, any files that may be left over will be in that same folder; those files and the folder itself may be safely deleted.

For a similar system that runs Mac OS 9 under OS X/macOS, see another page.

A similar system that runs System 7.6.1 in BasiliskII

I have created a similar system that runs Mac System 7.6.1 under BasiliskII. You may download its MacSys761Installer here. Run the installer and then launch the MacSys761.exe application, either from its folder or from a desktop shortcut that the installer offers to create.

The System 7 app works mostly in the same way that the MacOS9App works. You may copy files to System 7 desktop by dropping them on to the MacSys761.exe icon. And you may copy files to the Windows desktop by selecting them with the Copy to Host application or dropping them in to Send to Windows folder (both on the System 7 desktop).

Note: Updated 23 January 2021 with QuickTime Player added to the system.

How to use the MacOS9 app

I assume that you know something about Mac OS and don't need any advice from me. A few points are worth mentioning:

Depending on your Windows version, a Computer or This PC icon appears on the MacOS9 desktop. This icon leads to the drives on your host computer.

Weredude Mac Os 11

The File Transfer folder on the desktop is a convenience, to remind you that files found in the Computer or This PC folder should be copied into that folder (or any other folder in the MacOS9 disk image) before being used. They should not be copied merely to the desktop, because they almost certainly won't work until they are actually copied into the MacOS9 virtual disk. (When you copy a file from Windows to the MacOS9 desktop, the file itself is not copied to MacOS9 disk image; that is why you must copy it to a folder inside the disk image itself.)

The MacOS9 system includes a startup script named MacOS9StartUp. This script creates the necessary file-transfer folders for printing and exchanging files, and tests whether they are correct if they already exist. Please let it run without interference.

If you are confident that the file-transfer folders are working correctly, you can move the MacOS9StartUp script from the Startup Items folder in the System Folder to the Startup Items (Disabled) folder. Then move BackgroundScript from the Scripts folder in the System Folder to the Startup Items folder; shut down the MacOS9 app and start it again. If the file-transfer folders stop working, move the BackgroundScript out of the Startup Items folder and restore the MacOS9StartUp script to the Startup Items folder.

To transfer a file from Windows to MacOS9, drop it (in Windows) on MacOS9.exe or on the MacOS9 desktop shortcut. After a long pause, perhaps even longer than 30 seconds, a copy of the file should appear on the desktop of the MacOS9 disk. The original file remains in your Windows system.

To transfer a file to Windows from MacOS9, drop it on the 'Send to Windows' applet on the MacOS9 desktop. The file should be copied almost immediately to the Windows desktop. Or you may double-click on the 'Sent to Windows' applet and select a file to send to the Windows desktop.

To print from MacOS9 to your default Windows printer, simply use the File/Print menu in your MacOS9 application, and print with the default desktop printer, 'Print to Windows.' After a pause, the document should print to your default Windows printer.

Weredude Mac Os Download

To print from MacOS9 and select a Windows printer for the current print job, use the File/Print menu in your MacOS9 application, choose the desktop printer named 'Select Windows Printer', and print. After a pause, a popup list of Windows printers should appear; choose the one you want.

To create a PDF file in Windows when printing from MacOS9, use the File/Print menu in your MacOS9 application, choose the desktop printer named 'PDF to Windows Desktop', and print. The resulting PDF file on the Windows desktop will have an arbitrary name based on the current date and time.

To create a PDF file on the OS 9 desktop, use the File/Print menu in your MacOS9 application, choose the desktop printer named 'PDF to OS9 Desktop', and print. You will be prompted to enter a filename for the resulting PDF; an arbitrary filename will be offered based on the current date and time, but you can type over it to change it.

To print 'raw' PostScript data from MacOS9 to a PostScript-compatible Windows default printer, follow the printing instructions above, but choose the desktop printer named 'Raw PS to Win PS Printer.' The raw PostScript data will be sent to your Windows default printer; if that printer is not PostScript-compatible, you may waste a lot of paper, so be careful with this option.

If SheepShaver locks up: While the MacOS9 app is running, a small Mac-like icon appears in your Windows system tray. You may click on this to open a menu that includes 'Force Quit.' You may click on this to shut down SheepShaver forcibly; you will be asked to confirm that you intend to do this. (SheepShaver is notably unstable, and liable to crash without warning, so this feature may be useful.)

You may use the supplied SheepShaverGUI app (in the Programs folder inside the MacOS9 folder) to modify the system, but the file transfer and printing features will only work if you launch the MacOS9 app from the MacOS9 desktop icon or the MacOS9.exe program inside the MacOS9 folder! If you launch SheepShaver from the SheepShaverGUI, you may get error messages about the file transfer system; if this occurs, shut down SheepShaver and relaunch the MacOS9 icon or MacOS9.exe program.

Troubleshooting: If the SheepShaverGUI app produces an error message when you first run it, double-click on GTKLocalInstaller.exe in the same folder. You will not see any feeback from the GTKLocalInstaller.exe program, but the SheepShaverGUI should now run. (Or you may need to logout and login again.)

To transfer files from a real Mac to SheepShaver, follow the instructions in this post on emaculation.com.

To add additional disk space to MacOS9: This system includes a 4GB disk image. If you need additional disk space, then visit this page at Macintosh Garden and download one of the provided disk images (I recommend the third download, with a 10GB disk image). Then follow these steps:

  • Use something like the 7z file manager app to extract the downloaded disk image.
  • Rename the extracted disk image to something like Second.dsk (for convenience, use the .dsk extension, whatever the original extension might be).
  • Move the renamed disk image into the MacOS9Programs folder.
  • Use Notepad or any text editor to edit the SheepShaver_prefs file in the same folder and add this line after the first line: disk Second.dsk (using whatever name you gave the to the disk image file).
  • Save the SheepShaver_prefs file and restart MacOS9.

'Cannot map second Kernel Data' error: If, on your system, SheepShaver starts up with the error message 'Cannot map second Kernel Data area: 487', then go to the Programs folder inside the MacOS9 folder, rename SheepShaver.exe to SheepShaver-old.exe and rename SheepShaver-noJIT.exe to SheepShaver.exe. This alternate version will probably be slower, but should at least run. (This error message occurs unpredictably on some systems but not on others.)

Further details may be available later if you ask for them.

What the MacOS9 app contains

The MacOS9 application contains a standard US-English Mac OS 9 installation, without features that can't be used in this system, such as file-sharing. It also includes a large number of standard Mac OS applications, plus some Control Panels, Extensions, Scripting Additions, and a gray desktop image that you can easily change if you prefer.

The file transfer system uses two AppleScripts: either the MacOS9StartUp script or the BackgroundScript script described above. The MacOS9AppData folder uses an OS9Action folder action script found in the Scripts:Folder Action Scripts folder.

In the MacOS9 disk image, the Transfer folder alias and From Windows folder are required by the file-transfer system, as are the MacOS9AppData folder and the WinPath.txt file found in the System Folder.

The Transfer folder is an alias of the Windows folder named Transfer (inside the MacOS9 folder, typically in your user folder). In contrast, the File Transfer folder on the MacOS9 desktop is a mere convenience for use when copying files from the Computer or This PC folder.


This system is built on software provided by many people who are more expert than I am. The included build of SheepShaver was built by Ronald P. Regensburg and posted at the E-Maculation support forum for SheepShaver. The AppleScripts used in this application could not have been written without the help of many experts at Macscripter.net, and the AutoIt script that provides the launcher application could not have been written without the help of many experts in the forum at AutoItScript.com.

Weredude Mac Os X


Because part of this system is written in the AutoIt scripting language, some anti-virus programs will flag it as malware. Absolutely do not waste your extremely valuable time alerting me to this; do not waste your extremely valuable time writing me an e-mail asking if the software is safe. Do not take my word for it that this is all the result of a false positive. Upload the software to a site like VirusTotal.com for testing. If you do not trust my software, do not use my software.

Please do not ask me to help you customize the 'classic' Mac OS or advise you about any applications. Please ask for support in the E-Maculation support forum for SheepShaver. If you want to get in touch with me about the AppleScript and AutoIt used in this system, then please visit this page.

Edward Mendelson (em thirty-six [at] columbia [dot] edu, but with two initials and two numerals before the [at] sign, not spelled out as shown here).


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