Guide (weather) Mac OS

Guide (weather) Mac OS

May 31 2021

Guide (weather) Mac OS

Mac OS X Guide Dashboard & Widgets. Mac OS X supports mini-programs call Widgets that gives you easy and fast access to basic information like weather, sports results and traffic information. PC users' guide to using a Mac: how to do things on a Mac Windows 10 is coming hard on the heels of the failure of Windows 8, offering further reasons for Windows PC and laptop users to look to. The Show Weather & Temperature in the Mac OS X Menu bar guide is free to read. We help many internet users follow up with interest in a convenient manner. The price of the Show Weather & Temperature in the Mac OS X Menu bar guide is free. FAQ: Show Weather & Temperature in the Mac OS.

Written by Mårten Björk

Guide (weather) Mac Os 11

Widgets are small mini-applications designed to perform tasks that we otherwise perform by visiting web pages. For instance, instead of opening Safari and going to a weather website, you can access the weather-widget with a single click of your mouse.

Widgets are not viewed the same way as regular applications. Instead, they are shown in Dashboard. When opening Dashboard, your screen fades a bit and the widgets zoom in across the screen.


Open Dashboard

In order to open Dashboard, just click it’s icon in the dock.

When you do so, Dashboard and the widgets will appear.

The widgets

Guide (weather) Mac Os Download

What they are

Mac Os User Guide

Widgets are small applications used to perform smaller tasks or show data. Since they are programmed the same way as websites are it is easy for web developers to create widgets that display information from their websites.

Show/hide widgets

If you look at the lower left corner of Dashboard, you will see a plus button. If you click it, a bar containing all installed widgets will appear. From this bar, just drag the applications that you wish to use onto the Dashboard space.

If you wish to hide a widget, hold down the alt key and put the cursor over the widget. A button looking like a cross will appear in the widget’s upper left corner. Click it and the widget disappears. If you wish to use it again, just click the plus button in the lower left corner again.

Changing widget settings

Most widgets have some settings. When you put the cursor over a widget, a small i-symbol will appear somewhere on the widget (usually the lower right corner). Click this and the widget will flip over and settings will appear.

Close Dashboard

If you wish to close Dashboard, press the esc button or click the desktop but not on a widget. The widgets will disappear and the desktop will be as bright as always.

Download more widgets!

There are many great places for downloading new widgets. Here are some of them:

Install downloaded widgets

It’s silly really. Just click the download button at a web page that offers a widget. When the widget is downloaded, your Mac will simply ask you if you wish to install the widget or not.

Guide (weather) mac os download

Uninstall the widget

If you wish to uninstall a widget, open another widget called “Widgets”. From that one, you can delete others by pressing the minus next to their name.

WeatherLink Mac OS X Getting Started Guide (6520)

The WeatherLink software and data logger allow you to connect your Apple Macintosh computer running OSX to a Davis weather station so you can store, view, plot, analyze, export, print, and put on the Internet the weather data collected by your station.

This Getting Started Guide will guide you in installing and setting up your new WeatherLink software. It is not meant to be a user manual; the software’s Help files contain much more information about the program’s functions and features. Once you have completed these steps and have WeatherLink running, click on Help on the top bar for more extensive information about how to use WeatherLink.

Version: F
File Name: 07395-280_GSG_06520.pdf
Released: August 26, 2009

Product #Product Name
6520WeatherLink® USB Data Logger, Mac

Guide (weather) Mac OS

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